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How to connect your MetaMask wallet to Agora NFT marketplace



1. Download MetaMask to your phone from AppStore (iOS) or Google Play (Android)





2. Connect your wallet to Polygon network.

If you don’t know how to do it please follow the steps HERE




3. Click on the top left menu to display the MM menu.




4. Click on the Browser button to navigate through web 3.0 (Agora Awards Marketplace)





5. Paste this url into the browser navigation bar to connect, so you’ll be able to buy or sell NFTs.







6. Click on Connect Wallet orange button. A popup window will appear.





7. Accept Terms and Conditions, then click on Connect Wallet







Now your wallet is connected to Agora Awards NFT Marketplace and you can bid on your favourite artworks.

Remember that you will need some MATIC to pay the fees (very low ones) and USDC to buy the NFTs.

Note: If you have USDC but not MATIC you cannot use Polygon network.


Adding Funds

How to buy MATIC and add it to Metamask? CLICK HERE

How to buy USDC and add it to Metamask? Same way as you do it for MATIC. Remember to send your USDC via Polygon network.